Subjects run by the INFOX team
Creative Design Semester
The KSP (Creative Design Semester) is an additional semester project class at the central level of the Warsaw University of Technology. During these classes, 1st and 2nd degree students from various faculties of WUT perform open project tasks in groups. The PBL (Problem Based Learning) and DT (Design Thinking) methodologies are used to implement projects. Project topics usually come from external entities, including business and local government partners. These classes allow students to acquire the features required by employers today - teamwork skills, creativity, courage, honesty, non-schematic thinking, while deepening substantive knowledge and developing analytical skills.
ME310 is an international educational project, and in principle a series of interdisciplinary activities, based on team learning through problem solving. The project was created 40 years ago at Stanford University and the original was directed to students of engineering and mechanics (ME - mechanics and engineering). Over the years, it has become an interdisciplinary project (combining the joint efforts of future engineers and designers and business school students) and international (combining several dozen universities from around the world as part of the SUGAR cooperation network, with the Stanford University still being the ME310 coordinator).
Product Development Project
Product Development Project is a course started and organized for many years at Aalto Design Factory together with partners from around the world. PDP is aimed at students of engineering, industrial design and business schools. However, participants may also be students of other majors. The course is based on the methodology: problem based learning and design thinking. Project issues are commissioned by the entrepreneur. The project usually includes the following stages: planning, reviewing existing solutions, creating concepts, making decisions and computer aided design and development. The phases of the prototyping, assembly and testing project are strongly associated with practical experience in learning.