Rat Relay

Join to the project. Rat Relay is a unique three-day global product design hackathon organized in the Design Factory Global Network. Rat Relay simulates real-world situation in industrial product development where very often one individual person or team is only working on a project for a limited time and not from beginning to the end. Rat Relay projects rotate around the world in slots. The projects are provided by sponsoring companies, startups or NGOs. The slots consist of teams (usually 5-10 people) working in one stage of the design thinking process and then passing it along the Design Factory Global Network.
To participate fill the form available here!
How does it work?
You sign up for one or multiple slots of 6 hours. During these slots you will work on social sustainability challenges from all around the world. Your team will receive videos and instructions from previous group that you will have to continue working on. Depending on your slot you might have to create a prototype or generate a huge amount of concepts! The process will be documented and sent to the next team, so they can continue the process. The slots are following:
- Slot 1: Empathise and redefine. Tuesday (20.11.2018) from 8am to 2pm
- Slot 2: Ideate. Tuesday (20.11.2018) from 3pm to 9pm
- Slot 3: Prototype. Wednesday (21.11.2018) from 8am to 2pm
- Slot 4: Test. Wednesday (21.11.2018) from 3pm to 9pm
- Slot 5: Iterate. Thursday. (22.11.2018) from 8am to 2pm
- Slot 6: Synthesize and Pitch. Thursday. (22.11.2018) from 3pm to 9pm
What will you learn?
Working in a slot in the Rat Relay will give you experience in working in multidisciplinary teams, experience into design thinking methodology and working under a tight time schedule. This is just the tip of the iceberg though, depending on the slot that you sign up for you will learn so much more!
Last but not least, you will get to know so many nice people and have lots of fun! :)
Participating Design Factories
The participating Design Factories in the Global Network are:
1) CDF - Cali Design Factory, Colombia
2) DDF - Duoc Design Factory, Chile
3) DFSP - Design Factory São Paulo, Brazil
4) PDF - Porto Design Factory, Portugal
5) GDF - Ghent Design Factory, Belgium
6) FDF - Frisian Design Factory, The Netherlands
7) IS - Inno.space, Germany
8) WDF - Warsaw Design Factory, Poland
9) RTUDF - RTU Design Factory, Latvia
10) TDS - Tartu Delta Sandbox, Estonia
11) ADF - Aalto Design Factory, Finland
12) KDL - Kyoto Design Lab, Japan
13) DFK - Design Factory Korea, Korea
14) DFNZ - Design Factory New Zealand